Jobs for Nature

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Pest Free Purerua has received five-year funding through Kiwis for Kiwi from DoC's Jobs for Nature Programme 

The Jobs for Nature programme is investing more than $1.245 billion in jobs for 11,000 people that will restore our rivers, protect precious places, and ensure our native wildlife thrives.

The Department of Conservation is responsible for allocating $500 million to partners projects that will create 6,000 nature-based jobs over a four-year period.

Jobs for Nature funding for Kiwis for Kiwi projects will create more than 200 Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) over a five-year period and will supercharge kiwi conservation projects, including predator control, kiwi avoidance training for dogs and Operation Nest Egg. The funding will be managed by Kiwis for kiwi, together with the Department of Conservation.


Employment hours to date:

2021 hours 76 106.5 215  162 249  242.5 220 179.75 169 230 199 136.5 2,185
2022 hours